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distance travelled:
0 Km
balloon type:
Poppy Red


distance travelled:  0 Km

Flying Dutchman

distance travelled:  0 Km

Xanders ballon

distance travelled:  0 Km

2 Para

distance travelled:  0 Km

Full Results

41 Cockletown 0 Km
  Fly Baby, Fly
42 N.E. OSM 0 Km
43 Magpie 0 Km
  In a Bottle
44 Scarlett 0 Km
  Enjoy the Flight
45 Poppy 0 Km
46 Tris 0 Km
47 Thin Lizzy 0 Km
  Brotherly Love Rules OK !!
48 Jude 0 Km
  Babies can kill !!
49 Wilhelm 0 Km
50 Barney Muckthrush 0 Km
  Keep Smiling
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