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Where are you placed? Check out the leader board and see which balloon has travelled the furthest.


distance travelled:
0 Km
balloon type:
Poppy Red


distance travelled:  0 Km

Flying Dutchman

distance travelled:  0 Km

Xanders ballon

distance travelled:  0 Km

2 Para

distance travelled:  0 Km

Full Results

21 Justice 0 Km
  Well Served
22 Viking 0 Km
23 Agueroooo 0 Km
  U in a Row!
24 Slick 0 Km
25 My Girl 0 Km
  Wait For Me
26 Deputy Windbag 0 Km
27 Betty 0 Km
28 Granny 0 Km
29 Gilbert 0 Km
30 Restoration Project 0 Km
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