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distance travelled:
0 Km
balloon type:
Poppy Red

Flying Dutchman

distance travelled:  0 Km

Station Officer Steele

distance travelled:  0 Km

Joyprong One

distance travelled:  0 Km

Budson Balloon

distance travelled:  0 Km

Full Results

111 Wal 0 Km
  And You
112 Heather Calland (1) 0 Km
  Class 1
113 Heather Calland (2) 0 Km
  Class 2
114 Heather Calland (3) 0 Km
  Class 3
115 Heather Calland (4) 0 Km
  Class 4
116 Xanders ballon 0 Km
117 Islas balloon 0 Km
118 Everton tops 0 Km
119 Badger 0 Km
120 Val 35 again 0 Km
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