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distance travelled:
0 Km
balloon type:
Poppy Red


distance travelled:  0 Km

Suzy Q

distance travelled:  0 Km

Flying Dutchman

distance travelled:  0 Km

Station Officer Steele

distance travelled:  0 Km

Full Results

101 High Flyer 0 Km
102 Dutch Boy 0 Km
  Good Luck
103 Busted 0 Km
104 Station Officer Steele 0 Km
  "In Fours, Number"
105 Oggy 0 Km
106 Orion 0 Km
107 Amber Glory 0 Km
108 Winstone 0 Km
  Who Knows?
109 Noah the Brave 0 Km
110 Nor 0 Km
  Luv's Ya
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