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Restoration Project

distance travelled:
0 Km
balloon type:
Scottish flag


distance travelled:  0 Km


distance travelled:  0 Km

Geoff's Choice

distance travelled:  0 Km


distance travelled:  0 Km

Full Results

1 PGSR 0 Km
2 Passing Wind 0 Km
3 Suzy Q 0 Km
4 Fireman Sam 0 Km
  Use no Candles
5 Head's Away 0 Km
6 This Time 0 Km
7 Wise Owl 0 Km
  May we never need Charity
8 Marie 0 Km
9 Boys in Blue 0 Km
  To Those in Need
10 Happy Girl 0 Km
  Good Luck to you All
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