Where are you placed?

Thank you for playing the Balloon Race.


distance travelled:
7157 Km
balloon type:
Explorer duck


distance travelled:  7149 Km


distance travelled:  7144 Km


distance travelled:  7143 Km


distance travelled:  7142 Km

Full Results

61 Melody's Duck 7117 Km
62 The Bellawin 7116 Km
63 Slim with joanne ♥️ 7116 Km
  You are not alone ❤️ 
64 Wee Olive ☘️ 7116 Km
65 Rowan 7115 Km
   Run Roro 😍
66 Turbo 7115 Km
  Good to go
67 Gorge the Second 7115 Km
  Looking Hot
68 Quackers 7115 Km
69 Annie Quack Quack 7114 Km
  It’s Quackers
70 Sw ♥️ st marys group 7114 Km
  Team awesome 
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