Where are you placed?

Thank you for playing the Balloon Race.


distance travelled:
7157 Km
balloon type:
Explorer duck


distance travelled:  7149 Km


distance travelled:  7144 Km


distance travelled:  7143 Km


distance travelled:  7142 Km

Full Results

181 Lofty duck 7083 Km
  Go for the jugular
182 Wolfie 7083 Km
183 Jackie Jam 7082 Km
184 Duck Norris Texas Ranger 7081 Km
  Doesn’t even have to play to win 
185 Top Cat 7081 Km
186 Freddie 7081 Km
  The show must go on
187 Heather 7081 Km
188 Jess 7080 Km
189 The McInulty Clan 7080 Km
190 Hattie 7079 Km
  Hurry up Hattie😍
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